Readiness standards are published and promoted and describe the competencies students need to learn and possess for entry into and success in college and the workforce. They may or may not be assessed by the state but exist as guidance for educators and expectations for students.
Yes, the state’s definition of college and/or career readiness is “A career ready person capitalizes on personal strengths, talents, education and experiences to bring value to the workplace and the community through his /her performance, skill, diligence, ethics and responsible behavior … When students are career ready, they are prepared for the next step in their lives—whether that means getting their first job or beginning their college ‘career’ (which eventually leads to the workplace as well)! Being career ready also means being ready for life.”
Yes, the state’s career-readiness standards are available here.
Yes, the following Durable Skills are reflected in the state’s career-readiness standards:
Yes, the state’s career-readiness/employability skills are available here.
Yes, the state has a complete framework for work-based learning.
Yes, the state’s definition for work-based learning is available here.
Yes, the state’s work-based learning expectations guide can be found here.
Yes, the state’s work-based learning quality guide can be found here.
Yes, enrollment and outcome data is currently collected via course codes overseen by Nebraska DoE.
Yes, the state uses work-based learning participation as a program quality indicator for Perkins V federal funding. Learn more here.
Yes, the state’s guidance related to career/employability skills can be found here.
Work-based learning describes comprehensive guidance, expectations for educators and employers, and quality indicators for assessment.
A graduate profile includes the competencies and skills a student possesses when they graduate from high school. They showcase student learning outcomes and present a full picture of a student’s abilities.
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